Discover Macau | April

113' / Macau / In Cantonese and Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles / Color

Before the Flight
(Macao, 2022, 38’)
This story takes on a group of Filipino domestic helpers, commonly known in Tagalog as ates (older sisters), who are prevented from traveling back home to see their families due to the pandemic restraints. How do they spend the little free time they have?

Director: Chan Teng Teng

About the Director
Reporter and filmmaker Kiwi Chan began directing documentaries after finishing her studies in Beijing. Having already a few films under her belt, Kiwi keeps extending further her filmography.

(Macao, 2017, 45')
My parents had decided to let my maternal grandmother live with my paternal grandmother, who has mental illness. They have lived stably together over the years. As time goes by, problems slowly appear.

Director: Chao Kin kuan

About the Director
Original family home located in Fujian province. Born in Macau. Study in Taiwan. Loves to create.

My Days in an Apartments
(Macao, 2017, 30')

Time passes and things change, leaving a slight warmth. The sweetness that surrounds us is vanishing, gently but inevitably. This story tells us about an old house and an old man, who have made each other company for decades in a peaceful and intimate way. 

Director: Lei Cheok Mei

About the Director
As an art director, Lei Cheok Mei has worked in several films since she was a university student, having participated in works such as Sisterhood, Come the Light, Passing Rain, and Crash. In 2015, Mei won the 1839 Young Photographer Award. In the same year, she was invited to present 'SEMICOLON' and 'Talk to Eve', two solo exhibitions in Taiwan and, in 2017, had another exhibition '4:35p.m.' at Macao’s Ox Warehouse.

About us

The Cinematheque・Passion is located at Travessa da Paixão which is a narrow and romantic bystreet branching off the famous World Heritage Site "Ruins of St. Paul's Cathedral" (the "St. Paul's Cathedral Site") in the Historic Centre of Macau. A three-storey building equipped with ticket office, screening room, control room, film information room and exhibition space.
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Opening Hours

Ticket Office Tuesday to Sunday: 10:00 am to 11:30 pm
Film Information Room Tuesday to Sunday: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Exhibition Space Tuesday to Sunday: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
(Closes on Mondays, opens during public holidays.)

Contact us

Phone (+853) 2852 2585
Address No. 9-13 Travessa da Paixão, Macau